• The meaning of Agriculture 
  • Types of Agriculture 
  • Fields of Agriculture 
  • Instruments in Agriculture 
  • Crops
  • Fertilizers
  • Seeds
  • Genetically Modified seeds
  • Green Revolution 
  • Role of Agriculture In GDP
  • Importance of Agriculture 
  • Difficulties of Agriculture 
  • Agriculture in world in brief 
  • Agriculture in India 
  • History of Agriculture 
  • Role of agriculture in human's life 
  • Crop Cycle 
  • Instrumentation Effects on agriculture
  • Agricultural tillage 

Meaning of agriculture -

Agriculture is a word of Latin language it is made of two words Agri + culture. Agri means Soil and culture means traction. Thus the meaning of Agriculture the traction of soil.In actually it is related to all the practices for the cultivation of the crop.Agriculture can be defined as the art of science that includes soil traction, cultivation and growing crops.

Agriculture is the branch of science that studies about farming, growing crops or food and its maintenance.

History of Agriculture -

The most ancient evidence of the agriculture is found from the Lahuradeva , India that is the evidence of cultivation of Rice . This evidence is of 9000BC.
The earliest evidence of wheat is found from the Mehargarh that is old about 7000 BC.
The agriculture is started in the Neo Lithic Age . 
From the beginning of Agriculture the human started living in groups . And because of this many civilization came in entity.The oldest civilization is Mesopotamia that is old about 12000BC. The time period of this civilazation is about 10000BC. The main source of their economy is Agriculture.
The first urban civilazation is sindhu ghati or Harrapa . The time period of this civilization is 2500 BC. Instead of being a urban civilization, the main source of their economy is agriculture .
Before the agriculture invented, the human is living a nomadic life . The invention of agriculture has given human a stable life.

Types of Agriculture -

The main types of Agriculture are listed -

  1. Intensive farming
  2. Shifting farming
  3. Truck Farming
  4. Plantation farming
  5. Jhuming Agriculture
  6. Mixed Farming
  7. Subsistence Agriculture
  8. Commercial Agriculture
  9. Gardening Farming

  1. Intensive Farming - In this type of agriculture the standard instrument and techniques are used to get the maximum yield from per unit land area.
  2. Shifting Farming - In this type of agriculture the farming is done by cutting the forests. First of all the trees are cutted , then after burning the trees the space for agriculture is made . Then at this space the agriculture is done for same years. And after a time soil became infertile the farmer moves to another agricultural space.But this type of farming is not good for environment.
  3. Plantation farming - In this type of farming mainly the jutes , tea, cotton is produced . 
  4. Jhuming farming - It is a type of shifting farming done by the tribes of Nagaland in India. 
  5. Mixed farming - In this type of farming the livestock rasing , fishery ,poultry is done with addition to the farming.
  6. Commercial agriculture - It is popular in developed countries . The main focus of this agriculture is to use the technology for maximise the production. In this type of farming the shape of Agricultural Tillage is large.
  7. Subsistence farming - This farming is done to complete the basic needs . The shape of agriculture tillage is small in comparision to the need of farmer. This type of farming is popular in South East Asia including India.

Crops - Crops can be studied by dividing into three categories - 

  1. Kharif crop 
  2. Jayad Crop 
  3. Rabi Crop

  1. Kharif Crops - 
  • It lasts from June to december
  • Monsoon Crops 
  • Needs Higher temprature
  • Needs large amount of rain about 150 cm.
  • The main kharif crops are -rice , millet , arhar , soyabean , groundnut, cotton ,tobacco, tea, coffee, jute, millet, ragi, and many other crops come in this category.

    2. Jayad crops -

    • It lasts from March to June 
    • It is also called summer crops.
    • It has resistivity against hot winds.
    • The main Jayad crops are - watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops.

    3. Rabi crops -

    • It lasts from October to March 
    • It needs less temprature
    • It needs less amount of rain about 75 cm.
    • The main rabi crops are - Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables ; Barley, Banana, Cabbage ; Gram, Lady Fingers, Capsicum ; Rapeseed, Tomato, Onion ; Mustard, Grapefruit, Potato.

    Commercial Crops in India - The main commercial crops of India are -
    • Coffee
    • Cotton
    • Sugarcane 
    • Jute
    • Mustard 
    • Soyabean
    • Tea
    • Tobacco

    Seeds -

    The seed is an embryonic plant that is protected by a outer cover. This seed is the most important for growing crop. It stores food inside . The seeds are used as the raw material for the Agricultural purpose. The seeds are of two type-
    • Monocotyledonous seeds.
    •  Dicotyledonous seeds
    Here a term is most popular GMS that is genetically modified seeds . Now see about the genetically modified seeds.

    Genetically modified seed - These seeds are prepared in the lab by the method of genetical engineering. This is done to improve the quality of seed .
    The main purpose of GM seeds are -
    • Create resistive properties against insects and herbicides 
    • Increase the production 
    • Decrease the use of fertilizers and amount of seed for per unit area

    Green Revolution - 

    Green Revolution at the world level is started by Norman Borlag. He is the father of Green Revolution in the world.
    In India the green revolution is started at 1966 by MS Swaminathan. He is the father of Green Revolution in India .
    The most affected crops in India are Wheat and Rice . The production Of Wheat increased by the 500 times . And the production of rice is increased by 200 times.
    The most affected areas due to Green Revolution are Panjab , Haryana , and Western Uttar Pradesh.
    The Green Revolution is mainly focused on the use of Genetically Modified Seeds . This made India self dependent in field of agriculture . The India is facing food crisis at that time . But this made India's agriculture self dependent.

    Importance of Agriculture - The importance of Agriculture can't be described in words . In India that is a agricultural country the importance of Agriculture is too much . According to the 2011 census the 55 percent of population of India is involved in the agricultural field. The 19.7 percent oF GDP is agricultural sector. The agriculture is important and necessary for living on the earth .

    Difficulties in agriculture - The difficulties of Agriculture in India can be defined on following topics-
    1. Climate Change 
    2. Soil Erosion 
    3. Rain Distrubution is not same 
    4. Means of irrigation not available 
    5. Dependence on Rain water 
    6. Biodiversity loss
    7. Insufficient technology 
    8. The farmer doesn't understand the real meaning of farming.
    9. The shape of Agricultural Tillage is small.

    Instruments In Agriculture -

    The following Instruments are used by farmers in Agricultural field -
    1. Drosometer
    2. Infiltrometer
    3. Barograph 
    4. Anemometer
    5. Tensiometer
    6. Barometer 
    7. Crescograph 
    8. Evaporimeter 
    9. Hydrometer
    For detailed study please see -

    Machinaries in Agriculture -
    • Harvester
    • Rotavator
    • Power Harrow
    • Ripper Machine
    • Plough
    • Water Bowser 
    • Disc Harrow 


    Agricultural tillage - Agricultural tillage means the shape of Agricultural field. Agricultural tillage can be divided further -
    • Marginal Holding - less than 1 hectare 
    • Small holding - its shape is 1 to 4 hectare 
    • Medium Holding - A holding of 4 to 10 hectare 
    • Large Holding - More than 10 hectare 

    Agriculture role in Indian GDP-

    In India in decade of 1960 the part of agriculture in GDP is about 70 percent . It decreased to 20.2 percent in the decade of 2020.In year 2020 the agriculture sector part in GDP is 18.4 percent And in 2021 it is 20.2  percent of the GDP.

    Fertilizers - fertilizers are used to increase the production of farming. It consists of Nitrogen , Phosphorus , Pottasium that is important for the growth of plant and production . The ratio in which N,P,K is used shoud be 4:2:1 kept.India produces the fertilizers but its demand is high so the India imports the fertilizers in a large amount.
    Fertilizers - Two types - 
    1. Organic fertilizers 
    2. Inorganic Fertilizers 
    Agricultural wastes are used as organic fertilizers . 
    Inorganic fertilizers are Nitrogen , phosphorus and Pottasium based fertilizers .
    It is necessary for the plant to provide the additional nutrient.

    Agriculture in India - 

    India is the largest agricultural based country in the world according to agricultural space . The 55 percent of population is involved in Agriculture . It is the world's largest producer of pulses and spices .India is the largest milk producer country . The 25 percent of all cows and buffalo are in India. India is using largest area for the production of wheat and rice.India is the second largest producer of rice and wheat. The 47 percent area of the country is used for the cultivation of rice . In India the West Bengal is largest producer of Rice. And the largest producer of jute in India is West Bengal. The largest producer of cotton is Gujrat. The largest producer of Coffee is Karnataka. The largest producer of tea is Assam.

    India is the second largest country in the production of rice and wheat.In production of fish India is second. The most sweet fish of India is rohu . India is the largest producer of the  Jhinga fish .

    India is self dependent in the field of agriculture and it also supplies agricultural products in the world . 


    Hope this page is helpful 

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