Beginning of Olympic games -

1. When did Olympic games originate - 

First time Olympic games were held in olympia, Greece in 776 BC. Olympic games were named after Mount Olumpus Mountain and was started to praise Zeus, God of Unan. The ruler of Rome, Thiodius , has banned the Olympic games. 

2. When did the modern Olympic games played for first time - 

The modern Olympic games were played in 1896 , Athens , Greece for the first time. Credit to start modern Olympic games goes to Barren Piere D Cobertin . The First modern Olympic games were started on 8 April 1896 after establishment of International Olympic Committee on 23 June 1894. International Olympic committee regulates Olympic games. Modern olympic games get held at period of every four years. 

3. What is Olympic Flag - 

Olympic flag has 5 rings on a white background. The colour of rings - Blue , Yellow , Black , Green and Red . Every coloured ring denotes to a continent. First blue coloured ring denotes to Europe, Yellow ring is used to denote Asia. Black ring is for Africa continent ,  Green ring is for Australia continent and fifth Red coloured ring denotes  America continent. The suggestion of Olympic flag was given by Barren Piere D Cobertin . Olympic flag was first hoisted during Antwerp Olympics , 1920 in Beljium . 

4. When did the first time mascot was introduced In Olympic Games - 

First time mascot was introduced in 1968 during 19th Olympic games , held in City of Mexico from 12 to 27 October. 

5 . When did Olympic games were not held - 

Olympic games were not held three times - 

The 1916 Summer Olympics - scheduled to held in Berlin , Germany , was not held because of first world war. 

The 1940 Summer Olympic - scheduled to held in Tokyo from 21 September to 6 October was not held because of second world war. 

The 1944 summer olympic games - scheduled to held in England was not held because of second world war. 

6. When did the olympic was first broadcasted on television- 

First time olympic games was broadcasted on television during the 1960 Summer Olympic , Rome. 

7 . When did first time football is involved in Olympic -

First time football was played during the 1900 Summer Olympic held in Paris. 

8. When did first time torch lighting started in Olympic - 

First time torch lighting was started during the 1928 Summer olympic , Amsterdam. The modern form of torch lighting was started during the 1936 Summer olympic , Berlin . 

9. When did India first time participated in Olympic - 

First Indian female Athletics M Leela Rao first time participated in Olympic , during the 1956 Summer Olympic , held in Melbourne , Australia. Indian team first time participated during the 1920 Summer Olympic held in Antwerp , Beljium . 

10. What is the order march past in Olympic - 

First march past was done by Greece and host country does march past at last. The remaining of countries do march past in alphabetical order . The sequence of march past is listed - 

First - Greek 

Second - All participating countries in alphabetical order 

Third - Host country does march past at last . 

11 . When did India won first medal in Olympic - 

In team competition India won its first medal during the 1928 Summer olympic, held in Amsterdam . Indian hockey team won total 12 medals from 1928 to 2020 ,  includes 8 gold medal , 1 silver and 3 bronze. Indian hockey team is most successfull team in Olympic. 

In Individual competition KD Jadhaw won first medal for India in wrestling during the 1952 Summer olympic, held in Helsinki. And the first gold was won by Abhinav Bindra in shooting during the 2008 Summer Olympic held in Beijing. 

12. The maximum medal winner of Olympic - 

Michael Phelps won total 28 medals in swimming . 

13. International Olympic Committee - 

International Olympic committee was formed on 23 June 1894. June 23 is celebrated as Olympic day. Its work is to regulate the Olympic games. The headquarter of International Olympic Committee is situated in Lusanne , Switzerland . First chairman of International committee was Demetrios Bikelas.