Irrigation in India 

In this article - 

  1. Definition of Irrigation 
  2. Classification of Irrigation Scheme in India 
  3. Means of Irrigation 
  4. Types of Irrigation 
  5. Agriculture Census data about Irrigation 
  6. Canal Irrigation 
  7. Drip Irrigation 
  8. Sprinkler Irrigation 
  9. Furrow Irrigation 
  10. Tank Irrigation 
  11. Fertigation

Irrigation - It is the artificial application of applying water to the agricultural field. 

Irrigation can be defined as the agricultural process of applying controlled water to land

 Importance of Irrigation - 

  • It improves the growth of crop. 
  • Irrigation is important in India because rainfall in India is seasonal. 
  • It prevents soil consolidation.
  • It improves quality of crop. 
  • It supplies nutrition to the plant. 
  • It helps to bring fallow land under cultivation. 
  • It helps to increase the productivity. 
  • It helps to grow more than one crop in most parts of the country. 

Classification of agricultural projects in India - 

It can be classified in three parts - 
  • Minor Irrigation Scheme
  • Medium Irrigation Project 
  • Major Irrigation Project 

Minor Irrigation Project -

It includes the schemes having a culturable command area of less than 2000 hectare. Minor Irrigation Scheme supplies 62 percent of India's irrigation. Wells, Pumpset, Drip irrigation and ponds falls under minor irrigation project. 

Medium Irrigation project - 

It includes the schemes having a culturable command area from 2000 hectare        to 10000 hectare . Small canals falls under medium irrigation project. 

Major Irrigation Project -

It includes the schemes having a culturable command area of more than 10000 hectare . Canals and Multi purpose projects falls under major irrigation project. 

Means of Irrigation - The important means of irrigation - 
  • Wells 
  • Canals 
  • Pump set 
  • Rivers 
  • Ponds
  • Dongs, Kuhls, spring 
  • Multi purpose projects

Methods of Irrigation - 

There are two methods of irrigation - 
  • Traditional methods 
  • Modern Methods 

Traditional methods of Irrigation - 

It is manual method of irrigation, in this method the water is pulled out to field by farmers by using cattles. These methods are still used because it needs lesser technical knowledge. Traditional methods of irrigation are cheap. 
The rate of water loss is high in traditional method of irrigation. Its efficiency is low. 

It involves - 
  • Chain pump system 
  • Pulley system
  • Lever system 
  • Furrow Irrigation Method 
  • Basin Irrigation Method 

Modern Method of Irrigation - 

It helps to compensate water loss of traditional method of irrigation and its efficiency is higher in comparision to traditional method of irrigation.
It needs more technical knowledge and more investment. 
It involves - 
  • Drip Irrigation System
  • Sprinkler Irrigation System

Drip System - 

It is also called trickle system. It  allows water to drip slowly to roots of the plants. It helps to save the water and nutrients by allowing supply of water drop by drop. Drip system is mainly useful for row crops. It is most efficient method of irrigation. It can be used in low water availability regions also. 

Sprinkler Irrigation System

It sprinkles water over the crop and helps in even distribution of water. It is useful in low water availability regions. A sprinkler system consists of pipes along with a pump that contain water under pressure. It is a efficient method of irrigation and compensates water loss.       

Types of Irrigation - 

The main types of Irrigation - 

  • Drip Irrigation 
  • Sprinkler Irrigation 
  • Surface Irrigation 
  • Centre pivot Irrigation
  • Furrow Irrigation 
  • Basin Irrigation
  • Sub Irrigation 
  • Manual Irrigation

Surface Irrigation - 

It is the most common method of irrigation. In surface irrigation no irrigation pump is used, water is distributed across the land by gravity. In this method water is applied and distributed over the soil by gravity. 
It involves - 

  • Basin Irrigation 
  • Border Irrigation 
  • Furrow Irrigation 
  • Flooding Irrigation 
It is used for about 85 percent of Irrigated land in the world. 
The advantage of surface irrigation system is - 
  • low initial cost
  • easy maintenance 
  • compatible with all soil types 
  • adapts easily to flat topography 

Centre Pivot irrigation - 

It is also called water wheel and circle irrigation. In this method water is distributed by a sprinkler system moving in a circular pattern. The main advantages of centre pivot irrigation -
It uses less labor than other surface irrigation method. 
 It can reduce the amount of soil tillage .

Irrigation canals - 

It is a hydraulic system for conveying water from a source to different areas. 
Irrigation canal is a artificial channel that brings irrigation water from a water source to different areas. 

Irrigation Canals of India - The main canals of India

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1. Rajasthan - The main canals of Rajasthan - 
  • Bankli project 
  • Gambhiri project 
  • Bikaner canal 
  • Kalisil project 
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2.  West Bengal - 
  • Adan Canal
  • Midnapur canal 
  • Tilpada canal 
  • Damodar river canal 
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3. Bihar - 
  • East son canal 
  • West son canal 
  • Triveni Canal 
  • Gandak river Canal 
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4. Punjab - 
  • Sarhind Canal 
  • Bist Canal 
  • Bari canal 
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5. Maharastra -  
  • Godawani canal 
  • Mutha canal 
  • Bhandardara canal 
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6. Tamilnadu - 
  • Kaveri canal 
  • Periyar canal 
  • Metur canal
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Tank Irrigation -

It is constructing of mud bank across small streams to make a small reservoir for water collecting during the rainy season. Tank irrigation is mainly popular in plateau region of south India. It is mainly used in Tamilnadu. A irrigation tank is a artificial reservoir that is used to store the rain water and this water is used for irrigation work  in  agriculture. These tanks can hold enough water to irrigate about 100 hectares land.