Machinery and other Elements Used in Agriculture  -

In previous part , discussed about the Agriculture in India and the evolution of agriculture. See that article first 

In this part the discussion is about the Machinaries and other elements used in Agriculture. 

In this article -Preface -

  1. History of Agricultural Machinaries 
  2. Agricultural Machinaries in world
  3. Agricultural Machinaries in India 
  4. All Machinaries in Detail 
  5. Cost of Machinaries and finance 
  6. Subsidies for Agricultural Machinaries  
  7. Role Of Machinaries 
  8. Uses Of Agricultural Machinaries
  9. Reason for machinaries to be not successfull in India 
  10. Government Schemes for Agricultural Machinaries 
  11. Irrigation Machinaries 

Agricultural Machineries-

Agricultural Machinaries are the tools , devices, equipments, mechanical structures that are used in the field of agriculture to make agricultural work easy and to increase the productivity of agriculture. It has given a speed to the agricultural field.

History of Agricultural Machinery-

The start of Agriculture is considered in Neolithic Age but its form is very different from this time . There is no any use of Agricultural Machinaries in Neolithic age . Then the  primitive man started to use the tools of stone in agricultural work . Then the plough and sickle were made by blacksmiths are being used in Agricultural work.

The first agricultural machinaries industry is started in Britain in 19 th century. In 1837, John Deere and Leonard Andrus introduced the steel plows. This is made of wrought iron and it is capable to cut the soil without clogging. This is the first agriculture machine .

Then after many tools are introduced and a long time from 1837 to present, and now the form of agricultural machinery is too different of that time machinery.

In India , 1857, Robert Brus has found the axe in quarrying of Pallavaram , Madras. In Harappa civilization many evidence of agricultural machinaries have been found. The evidence of plowed fields have been found in Kalibanga Rajasthan. The evidence of mud plow have been found in Kalibanga that is agricultural tool .

Agricultural Machinery in the world and India-

The major agricultural machinery that are being used in the world at present are -
  • Combine Harvester
  • Rotavator
  • Plough
  • Power harrow 
  • Leveler
  • Disc Harrow
  • Ripper Machine 
  • Cultivator
  • Digger
  • Seed Drill
  • Baler
  • Sprayer 
  • Thrasher
  • Disk harrow

Agricultural Machinery in Detail -

1.Combine Harvester -

It is a machine used for reaping and threshing. It also performs the winnow process.

It is capable of reaping and threshing a large amount of grain in a small time . It is helpful to increase the productivity at lower cost.

Popular models - 

  1. Preet - 987 - Self Propelled with a cutting width of 4.3 meters.
  2. Kartar-4000 - self Propelled with a cutting width of 4.3 meters.
  3. Preet-949 - self propelled with a cutting width of 2.2 meters.

2. Cultivator - 

It is used to plough the field. It is used before planting the seeds. The cultivator is a modern form plows. In the ancient time the ploughing is done with the help of horses or oxen. The plow is driven with the help of oxen . The cultivator is the modern form of the plow.
It makes the ploughing process fast and make the farmers work easy. It can plough a large field in small time. 


Models - 
1.khedut Rigid Cultivator- with the power range of 35-75 hp , in 3 models Karc 09 , Karc 11, Karc13. The weight is about 210 kgs -290 kgs.
2.Universal spring Loaded cultivator-with the power range of 40-55 hp.

3. Plough -

It cuts and turns the uppermost layer of soil. Its basic purpose is to bring fresh nutrients at the top layer of the soil. It helps to improve water and air circulation. It helps the plant roots to panetrate deep in the soil.

Models - 
  1. Universal Mould Board Plough 
  •  Weight - 225 - 350 kg
  • Power - 35-90 hp
  • Length - 1320 - 1440 mm
  • width - 1130- 1410 mm
  • Tillage category 
2. LEMKEN OPAL 080 E 2 MB-
  • Power - more than 45 hp 
  • Tillage category

4. Power Harrow - 

Power harrow does even distribution of soil. It is used to create the best condition in soil for seed . It prepares the soil for planting and sowing the seeds. 

1.Maschio Gaspardo Defino - with the power of 60 - 90 hp.
2.Lemken Perlite - with the power range of 55- 65 hp.

5. Leveler - 
It is used for leveling of land . The leveling of land helps to increase the yield and quality. The leveler have two types - 
  1. Bucket
  2. Mould Board 

6. Rotavator -

It is also known as rotary tiller. It is used to crush the soil and then after mix the soil.

1.Indo Farm IFRT 150 -
  • power - 35 - 45 hp
  • Tillage width - 150 cm 
  • power - 25 - 65 hp 
  • Width - 1520 -3040 mm
  • Depth - 1520 mm 

7. Digger - 

It is used to dig pits in the field for sowing seeds and plantation purpose.

Model - 
1.Landforce Post hole digger - 
  • Power- 35 -50 hp
  • Weight - 133 -179 kg
  • RPM -540 
  • Used for Land Prepartion 
2. Landforce Potato digger -
  • Power- 55 - 60 hp 
  • Weight- 120 -150 kg
  • RPM-  520 

8. Seed Drill - 

It is used to sow the seed inside the soil. It injects the mixture of seed and fertiliser into the soil . It has two portion one consists of seeds and other 
consists fertiliser. It is capable of uniform distrubution of seed in the field.

Models -
1. Khedut Seed cum Fertiliser Drill -Rotor Based -
  • Power - 35 - 55 hp
  • Weight - 310 -390 kg
  • It is used for seeding and plantation 
2.Khedut Mini Tiller Operated seed drill -
  • Machine weight - 40 kg 
  • Seed carring capacity - 5 kg 

9. Thresher - 

Thresher works as a isolating machine . It isolates grain , seeds from the husks and stalks. It cuts the plant and do isolate the seed from husk. It is a post harvest machine .

Model - 
1. Landforce Harambha Thresher - 
  • It is for wheat.
  • Power - 35 hp
2. Damesh 641 -
  • It is a paddy  thresher .
  • Power - 35 hp 

Subsidies for Agricultural Machinery -

Agricultural Subsidy is a incentive given to the farmers for their agricultural needs like machinaries , crops , seeds, fertilisers, and other agricultural products.
Agricultural subsidy is mainly of two types - 
  1. Blue box subsidy 
  2. Green box subsidy 
Blue box subsidy - It is the subsidy given on the seeds, fertilisers, machinaries , irrigation, and other direct subsidy . These subsidy can be limited by the WTO. 

Green Box subsidy - The government help for research work in agriculture is considered as Green Box Subsidy . 

SMAM Scheme -

Indian government is giving 40- 50 percent subsidy on agricultural machinaries under the SMAM Scheme . The full form of SMAM is Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization . It is started in 2015 . Its main objective is that the small and marginal farmers should have a reach to the farm mechanization.
It is giving 40 - 50 percent subsidies according to the equipment . 

Role and Importance of Machinery in Agriculture - 

The importance of agricultural machinaries are - 
  • It helps to hasten production
  • It helps to reduce fatigue of farmers.
  • It decreased the human labor.
  • These machines have increased the efficiency.
  • It have increased the production rate .
  • It helps to improve the quality of products. 
  • It is helpful in better use of agricultural field. 
  • It gives the better quality of work.
  • It helps farmers to grow more crops with less work and time. 

Government Schemes for Agricultural Machinery and Equipments-

The main government schemes for Agricultural Machinery are -
  1. Sub mission on agricultural mechanization
  2. National Food security Mission 
  3. Yantra Lakshmi Scheme
  4. Agricultural mechanization Program, Tamilnadu
  5. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna 

National Food Security Mission - This scheme is for improving and maintaining the condition of machinery to increase the production in farming.Its main aim is to increase the production . It is mainly started to increase the production of rice, wheat and pulses . Its aim is to increase the annual production of rice by 10 million tonnes, wheat by 8 million tonnes, and pulses by 2 million tonnes .

This mission is started in October 2007. This mission is launched by the Ministry of agriculture . 

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna - It is a part of National Agriculture Devlopement Program. It is launched by Ministry of Agriculture . It is started in 2007. It works for agricultural machinaries. 

Uses of Agricultural Machinery- 

The major uses of agricultural machinaries are - 
  1. Leveler is used to level the surface of field. 
  2. Cultivator is used for ploughing the field.
  3. Combine harvester is used reaping and threshing. It is also used for winnowing.
  4. Sprayer is a equipment used to apply herbicides , pesticides , insecticides and liquid fertilisers.
  5. Seed drills are used to panetrate  the seed inside the soil. It panetrates the mixture of seed and fertiliser in the soil.
  6. Mowers is used to cut the grass that grows on the ground .
  7. Digger is used to dig pits for sowing seeds and palntation.
  8. Plough cuts the uppermost layer of soil and bring fresh nutrients on the top layer of soil . It helps crops root to panetrate deep in the soil .
  9. Thresher is used to isolate grain from husk.

Irrigation Machinery and Equpments -

It is used for supplying the water to field. It helps in the growth and nutrition of the plants . The crop needs proper irrigation for growth.
The irrigation is mainly of four types -
  • Sprinkler Irrigation 
  • Drip Irrigation
  • Surface irrigation 
  • Manual Irrigation 
The important irrigation equipments are -
  • Pipes 
  • Flow control devices 
  • Pipe connectors 
  • Water lifting device
  • Water emitters 

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