Problems of Indian Agriculture -                  ______________________________________


Preface -  India is a agriculture based economy. Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. About 70 percent of Indian population during the time of freedom was engaged in the agriculture and now about 55 percent of Indian population is engaged in the agriculture. Agriculture have its importance role in Indian economy but there are also several problems in Indian agriculture. In this article, will try to understand about the problem of Indian Agriculture. 


Most common Problems in Indian Agriculture -

  The most common problems of Indian agriculture are -

  1. Lack of Irrigation facility 
  2. Deficiency of Institutional finance 
  3. Small and scattered holdings 
  4. Conventional Outlook 
  5. Heavy load of population 
  6. Use of traditional technique 
  7. Lack of machinaries
  8. Government policies 
  9. Skill in farmer
  10. Lack of organised marketing system 
  11. Research and Devlopement 
  12. Soil Erosion 
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1. Lack of Irrigation Facility - Lack of Irrigation problem is the first and basic problem of Indian agriculture. Indian agriculture is mostly dependent on the amount of rainfall. The rainfall is a deciding factor of Indian agriculture.The crops to be grown are decided according the amount of rainfall. There are lack of artificial irrigation means. Equipment of irrigations is not available in many parts of country in the amount as it is needed. This decreases the productivity of agriculture. 

2. Deficiency of Institutional finance - During the time of Indian freedom there are no any financial Institutions in the field of agriculture. The farmers are dependent upon the non institutional sources for the loan. These non institutional sources charge a high rate of interest from farmers on loans. High cost of borrowing leads the farmer in debt trap. 

3. Small and scattered holdings - The agricultural holdings in India are small and scattered. The average size of agricultural holding in India is less than 1 hectare. It is a most common problem of Indian farmers . It restricts small farmers to adopt modern farming and decreases the productivity of agriculture.

4. Conventional Outlook - Thinking of Indian farmer is conventional. Instead of modern farming Indian farmer believes in traditional method of farming. Indian farmer considers farming as mean of subsistence not as a business venture. 

5. Heavy load of population - About 72 percent of Indian population at the time of freedom is dependent on the agricultural and now about 55 percent of Indian population is dependent on the agriculture. The load of population is heavy on the Indian agriculture. 

6. Use of traditional technique - It decreases the productivity and increases the work load on farmers. 

7. Lack of Machinaries - The financial condition of farmers in India is not good enough. Thus the farmers are not able to use modern agricultural machinaries. It is a common problem of agriculture overall India. 

8. Government policies - The government policies also a factor of the Agricultural problem. Government should imply it schemes in proper manner such that farmers can get profit from the policies of the government .

9. Lack of skill in Indian farmer  - Indian farmer doesn't have the modern farming skill. Indian farmer uses traditional skills for farming that causes the less productivity. 

10 . Lack of organised marketing system - Indian agriculture doesn't have a organised market. It is most common problem in agricultural field all over India. A large population of Indian farmers sells their production in local market at low prices. Most of farmers sell their produce to the money lenders at low prices in return of loans. 

11. Research and Developement - Indian agriculture have the lack of Research and Developement. It is also a problem of Indian Agriculture. 

12. Soil Erosion - Soil erosion is a process of removal of the top layer of soil. It decrease the fertility of soil. The major factor of soil erosion - 
  1. Water erosion 
  2. wind erosion 
Water erosion occurs in form of sheet erosion and gully erosion. Wind erosion is the second major cause of erosion. 

The major cause of erosion is Deforestation. Afforestation is a method to prevent the soil erosion. Shifting farming is also a cause of soil erosion. The  shifting farming the major cause of deforestation. It needs to prevent shifting farming. It is also a problem of Indian Agriculture . 

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